Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Government control and you

I often wonder about the mental capacity of a person who regardless of political leaning seems to enjoy when government tightens its hold on the American people in one form or another. My brain simply implodes at the very thought of those people marching, and screaming for "Government intervention". Why do I feel like I'm in a minority in this country when I want less governmental interference in our lives? Has the state of our union become so grave that people in a fit of blind hysteria are helpless without the government?

There are some circumstances where I can understand welcoming governmental action, mostly concerning national security with regards to people who mean to harm our country and its citizens. Unfortunately, I see almost no screaming, marching or protesting for issues like these recently, and haven't seen any since right after 9/11. However I do see people in the streets marching and protesting to have the government take control of banks, car companies, the healthcare industry, energy corporations, your local fast food chain, and now the internet. I would love for someone to tell me the last time that government control over something actually worked out to the advantage of the people.

Now I know all the arguments about banks screwing people, and oil companies jacking prices up and destroying the environment, but let's take a step back and look at the big picture.

Let’s begin with the banks. The government "sponsored/owned" Fanny and Freddie had just as much to do with the economic problems we are having as anyone else, and yet have experienced no protests, marches, or governmental harassment. Then on top of everything else, the whole idea of giving loans to people who couldn't afford it came from the same government officials and "community organizations"(who call themselves progressive democrats) that are now the ones calling for the heads of the people in the banking industry. Now does the banking industry and some of those on wallstreet have any responsibility for our problems? The answer..... Yes, of course they do, but in the big picture they are the end result of something that started long before it ever reached their doorstep. What they did was take what was a problem for them (government regulation/government control that forced bad loans) and tried to profit off of it. Should they have done that? ..... No, of course not, but let's not execute the "Lieutenant" when the "General" gave the order.

Now let's talk about Big Oil. They are what they are, a company that delivers a product for profit, period. That's what they are, and in the world of profit vs. expense they are in the bottom 5% of worldwide industry. The average oil company maintains between a 2% and 4% profit margin per year. Now to put that into perspective your local grocery store maintains between a 15% and 25% profit margin per year. Most companies regardless of industry manage to maintain profit margins of at least 10% or better per year. So while yes, oil companies profit billions of dollars per year they spend at least 25 times that much to make that profit.

The point of all this is to remind people that even though everyone on TV tells you that these are bad evil companies and industries, you must realize that they have an agenda, and that agenda is more government control.

Is there really anyone out there (besides the politicians who would be in control) who really wants the government to control even more of their lives than they do already? I can't possibly believe anyone really wants it. I know it sounds good when you’re out there protesting, and saying "it's for the good of the nation", but do you really believe it. Do you really want the government controlling almost every aspect of your life? If left up to the current administration, they would control your eating habits, your healthcare, your schooling, your house, your banking business, the way you get and pay for your energy, and now they even want to control what you watch and listen to not only on TV and radio, but also on the internet.

What next, waiting in line for your government bread and cheese?

America, is this what you want?

We all need to remember that for over 200 years we have been the envy of the world, and the reason for that is because of all the freedoms we have enjoyed. We have been that envy also because we were allowed by our very existence "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". These are not just words, they were what our fore fathers knew in their hearts was the truth. They knew that it wasn't the government that gave us our rights, it was our creator. Now whether you believe in God or not is irrelevant, the meaning is the same, it means we should have the freedom and ability to govern ourselves because of our very existence. Government control is the very antithesis of that sentiment.

We need never forget that even though we have all grown up being comfortable with our freedom and liberty, that it is a very precious and fragile thing. Our country is still young and susceptible to being shattered. More powerful nations than ours have come and gone in the blink of an eye in the context of how long man has been on this earth. Two hundred years is nothing when compared to the Greek, Roman, or British Empires that came before us. Let us not slip into the same trap of complacency that they fell into.

The time has come. We Americans need to stand up and be heard; we need to take back our country. We need to shout at the politicians that this is our country, and they work for us. We need to put aside our petty differences of party and stand together and realize that freedom and liberty are good for all of us, and that Government controlling so much of our lives is not the answer.

America I ask you to please consider what I have said. Do this not because I want you to do what I say or think what I think, in fact that is the very reason you should listen, because giving government control over everything will restrict your freedoms to act, speak, and even think differently. America embrace your differences and use your differences to give you strength to stand together and realize that we need our freedom and liberty kept intact, and this administration is witling away at our freedoms.

The time is now, stand up and let your voice be heard. This great country can only stand for so long while having its very foundation torn out from under it.

The time for complacency is over; America is still strong. Let’s show our politicians what "We the people" really means.

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