Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What does America mean to you?

This question has been popping up in my mind alot in the last 2 years, and more than likely you've had a conversation or two that have brought this same type of thought to the fore front of your mind as well. To find the answer to that question I think a person has to balance two things to get their answer. First you have to take into consideration what the founders of this country wanted for us, the future generations that they foresaw living here, and two, what do you see forsee for us, and more specifically for yourself and your family in this country.

Now the first part of your consideration should be fairly easy to answer, we all grew up hearing the stories about our founding fathers, about their struggle to make this a free nation for all men and women. We know the constitution (or at least we should) and the bill of rights. We know that our founders wanted this nation to allow for every man, woman, and child "Life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". They wanted us to be as free a nation as possible without slipping into anarchy. They wanted the states to be able to have final say over their own residents instead of one all powerful king/federal government making all the rules and decisions, and for each of us to be able to seek out our happiness, and know that we would not be persecuted for wanting to live our life the way we saw fit. To them the definition of America was Liberty and Freedom.

Now for the second part of your consideration, I suggest you really take the time to think about it, because this is the most important part, especially with the times we find ourselves in now. But before you answer remember one thing, the reason your are even allowed to take into consideration how you feel about this country, and are able to become part of the decision making process to decide what this country will be is because of that Freedom and Liberty our founders gave us.

Not that you asked but I'm going to tell you anyway. My idea of America and what is means to me is fairly simple, although not always short in explenation. The short answer is: Freedom, Liberty, States rights and the ability for everyone to be able to seek out their own happiness.

The long answer (as if you wanted to know) is still fairly basic in it's intent, but may take a little longer to explain. I believe the founders set us up with the best possible government that this world has ever seen. I believe that they knew that there were things they could not forsee, and tried to create something that would allow for maximum freedom and liberty regardless of how our country grew and changed. I believe that by keeping true to the founders intentions of having states rights above the federal government's we are all closer to maximum freedom regardless of what party you belong to.

I believe America is a melting pot, and more importantly a family. We are a family tree with many branches, branches that reach far across the earth, and in that family tree we have people as different as night and day. This family we are a part of is a beautiful, colorful family that doesn't always get along, and doesn't always agree, but in the end we all still love eachother because we are in fact a family.

I so often see people fighting over who has what rights, I see marches in the street, and picketing in front of government buildings. I all too often hear someone from one side or the other screaming about their right that they hold dear, while at the same time saying that the other side doesn't have a right to do something they hold dear.

We have spent far too long arguing about who gets what rights, and who shouldn't have their's, and not enough time arguing that everybody should be able to have the right to live their life as they see fit, as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's rights. States rights are just the first step into helping everyone seek out the Life, liberty, and happiness they deserve.

So, I hope you'll think long and hard about the questions posed to you, because these are questions that need to be answered by every american. I hope you put you whole heart into answering the questions. As for me, I've been thinking for awhile now, and my answer in the simplest way possible, is this .....

What is America to me? ......... A family free to pursue our happiness.

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